
Airphysio Vs Flutter Opep Device Comparison Report

Airphysio Vs Flutter Opep Device

The AirPhysio device is a new OPEP device designed and manufactured in Australia (Figure 1). The AirPhysio device is a handheld pipe-like device with a stainless steel ball seated in a conical cone. The manufacturers included several original design features in the device including a dual cone and a modified cap that allows three different ball bearings to be fitted. The device is made from a robust polycarbonate plastic, which the manufacturer suggests makes it more durable. It has been designed to sit flat on the benchtop with the mouthpiece elevated for improved hygiene. In a further attempt to improve hygiene, the device includes a cap to go over the mouthpiece.

Being new on the market, the performance of the AirPhysio device has not been compared with other PEP devices such as the Flutter.

Method for AirPhysio vs Flutter OPEP Device Report

The aim of this report was to:

  1. Test and compare the AirPhysio Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) device with the Flutter PEP device across a range of flow rates
  2. Test and compare the AirPhysio Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) device with the Flutter PEP device across a range of tilt angles
  3. Test and compare the AirPhysio Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP) using three different ball bearing sizes (19, 20 and 22 mm) device with the Flutter PEP device

Conclusions on OPEP Device Report

In summary, using mean PEP, peak PEP, amplitude PEP and oscillation frequency as indices of performance, we found that the AirPhysio and Flutter devices behaved similarly across a range of flow rates and tilt angles. Similar to our results, Volsko et al. [12] found that the Flutter and Acapella devices performed similarly across a range of airflows.

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